
Seven Cleansing Chakra Mantras

LAM — Root Chakra The cleansing mantra chanted for your Root Chakra, which keeps us grounded and linked to the earth. “I am strong, supported, and abundant.” VAM — Sacral Chakra The cleansing mantra for your Sacral Chakra, which is associated with sexuality, pleasure and creativity. “I am the creator of my entire reality.” RAM — Solar Plexus Chakra This opens your Solar Plexus Chakra, the seat of your personal power. “Sometimes letting go is the most empowering choice.” YAM— Heart Chakra The cleansing mantra for your Heart Chakra. You give and receive love through the energy center that is your heart chakra. “Giving equals receiving.” HAM — Throat Chakra The mantra to unblock your Throat Chakra. “I am in alignment with my truth. I speak with clarity and intention.” AUM (or OM) — Third Eye Chakra This opens your Third Eye Chakra, which is at the center of your forehead and is directly in line with the center of your brain. “I